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Welcome to the Breeding Buddy walk-through guide.


This guide is a tutorial of how to use Breeding Buddy and a description of its many available features. Tutorial steps are provided but feel free to explore any of Breeding Buddy’s features along the way. Required steps for this walk-through will be labelled "TUTORIAL STEP". Please complete the tutorial steps in order.


Let’s get started with creating our Company.

Anchor 1


FIGURE 1.0.png

Name: A unique name to identify your company.

Logo: A selected picture that identifies the company. A thumbnail is generated from this image. Only JPEGS and PNGS are supported at this time.

Company Registration Label: This will be used on the invoice to identify the business e.g. in Australia this would typically be labelled as ABN or ACN.

Company Registration Number: The associated number corresponding to the label.

Note: Tap any of the associated icons next to Address, Phone, Email Address, Website etc. to perform an associated task. E.g. tapping the “MAP” icon will copy the address and auto place it into google maps and search for it. Long hold on the icon will copy the address to the clipboard.


All company documents that need to be kept with your records should be stored here with the Company profile. A profile storage location is created automatically under the Company folder. Pictures, Videos and Documents can be stored here.


Note: When synchronization occurs, all Pictures and Videos are uploaded into the Company profile folder and removed from the device. This is to save storage space locally on the device. With Documents a complete synchronization is done both ways between the device and the drop box storage location, with no files removed from the device. This is to ensure essential documents required by staff are accessible locally such as evacuation procedures or disaster recovery plans.

The “CAMERA” icon is used to take a picture and store it in the profile.

The “VIDEO” icon is used to take a video and store it in the profile.

The “DOCUMENT” icon is used to browse to a document and copy it to the profile.

FIGURE 1.2.png
FIGURE 1.1.png

The “EXPAND” icon is used to view the new data stored.

The “MORE” icon is used to view the additional options, whilst data is stored locally. “VIEW”, “SHARE”, “DELETE”

When you alter a field, Breeding Buddy will display "(Modified)..." at the top of the screen as a reminder to you to save this new data.

FIGURE 1.3.png

When the “SAVE” icon is tapped, this data is written to the database and Breeding Buddy will display "(Saved)" at the top of the screen. If “SAVE” is not tapped, the data is discarded when you leave the page.

TUTORIAL STEP: Tap the “BACK” (Android) button.

Anchor 2


FIGURE 0.1.png

TUTORIAL STEP: Tap the “ADD NEW” button.

FIGURE 2.0.png

A company may have multiple breeding facility locations. A facility is where the enclosures or animal pens are located. Defining a facility will assist in tracking down the housed location of an animal when required.

TUTORIAL STEP: Type “FACILITY 01” in the "NAME" field > tap “SAVE” > tap “HOME”.

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